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SOLD – 10.56 mt SANGERMANI PILOTINA 1969 – FURTHER PRICE reduction 18.000!

Tutta l’operazione vi costa quanto un Mussini, ma volete mettere la differenza? Fate contenta la vostra consorte; le donne della vostra vita vi ringrazieranno di non essere sballottate nella risacca delle rade alla moda, prive di vera protezione dalla canicola, in balia delle onde di orridi motoscafari. Rendetevi protagonisti di un’opera culturale, marinara, mecenatesca. Meglio il plauso di pochi che la cortigianeria di tanti.

This is a marvellous little pilot boat so elegant and seaworthy: she needs restoration I already have a quotation for. For this reason price could be very attractive. Carpenters and mechanics are ready to start. Summer, when shipyards are empty, is the right period to manage works without hurry. She spent many years well protected in a hangar and her clinker hull did not suffer. Perfect as a Yacht Club tender.

New pics and details below:

builder Sangermani

designer Sangermani

launch 1969

loa 10.56 mt

beam 3.00 mt

draft 1.10 mt

engine 2 X  225 Daf

hull clinker

Launch original pics:

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